Monday, August 29, 2016

Hike #11: Leif Erikson Drive & Firelane 1

Another after work hike! This time, along Leif Erikson Drive and Firelane 1.

I rode the streetcar out to NW Portland and then got a Lyft to take me the rest of the way to the start of the Leif Erikson trail. At the trailhead, there is a sign warning hikers about aggressive barred owls in the area:

Walking along Leif Erikson was lovely as always, especially now that the fall colors are starting to arrive.

A little ways after mile marker 3, I came across the Firelane 1 trail to my right. I am very glad I was going downhill on this trail, as it was quite steep and very narrow.

I came across a section of the trail where there were several slugs slithering across the trail.

I startled the orange slug, and it scrunched up into a ball.
I would not classify Firelane 1 as kid friendly. As I mentioned before, it is quite steep and narrow, and there are sections where the trail has eroded. However, you get some great views looking over the Willamette and towards downtown.

And of course, I had to take an obligatory it's-almost-fall-so-I'm-going-to-hold-a-giant-leaf-in-front-of-my-face photo.

In total, I hiked about 4.5 miles. My route is marked in black on the map below (since Google Maps doesn't recognize Firelane 1).

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